Monday, March 3, 2008
Video of Martin Friedmann
One of the things I ripped was my old VHS copy of the memorial that Ali put together for Martin's memorial. When I eulogized him, I said - "To those who knew him, no explanation is necessary... To those who didn't, no explanation is possible..."
Well even if you didn't now him, this video gives a taste:
More about Martin here... He'd have loved Google.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Relaunch of…
Simply, it's a place where we can show you some cool stuff happening at Yahoo. I shared more on the yodel blog.
William White and team just launched this very cool embeddable music player there. Timely too... Now instead of just linking to MP3s like I did in a previous post, listening to my old band is now just click away (or even less than a click if I'd selected autoplay...)
Go subscribe to next to keep apprised of what we're up to over here...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
New Pipes release, iPhone support
In keeping with the endless stream of jokes that name "pipes" inspires, Jonathan created what may turn out to be one of the most important and useful Pipe of all... The Restroom Locator... A tip of the hat to George Costanza, connaisseur of public restrooms... ;-)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Richard Stallman in Berkeley on Sept. 12
This will be thought provoking for sure. If you don't know all about Stallman (or rms) go read the the excellent wikipedia article on him.
One thing missing from the wikipedia article was that he had to hire someone to type for him because emacs (which he created) gave him severe repetitive stress injury. (Emacs is famous for "chorded" commands that wrap your fingers into pretzels.) Or maybe this was just MIT legend.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Lightning Strikes at UK Hack Day
Hack Day London Indoor Rain
Originally uploaded by Josh Russell
I'm at UK Hack Day, spectating and just enjoying the vibe here... Chad recounts yesterday's remarkable lightning strike on Alexandra Palace as festivities were kicking off... too cool!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Next Open Hack Day!
Sunday, October 1, 2006
Yahoo Open Hack Day: Hell Yes!
As has been widely reported around the blogosphere, this weekend we pulled off Yahoo's first Open Hack Day.
I attended yesterday’s workshops and was really blown away. Yahoo! is the shit. Seriously, where else can you get the downlow on PHP from the guy who wrote it, sit next to the person who started Flickr as you learn how to hack the Flickr API, and get a tutorial on the Yahoo UI platform library from the people who designed them and then rock out to a private Beck concert, replete with a live puppet show? Punk. Rock.
Probably the best part about this is that we (my team) have the unequivocal support of Yahoo, across the org chart. An event like this doesn't fly under the radar. From the many, many (literally 100s) of folks that sacrificed their weekend to deal with countless last minute tasks (think stuffing welcome packets for 500), to the many teams whose toes we occasionally accidentally stepped on (only to have them turn around and offer unqualified assistance), to the huge support of our executives (Filo and Ash outlasted me on Friday night)... It's been an overwhelming show of support. Kris Tate said it best - we're a family. By the way, Kris's post impressed the hell out of me.Chad and I introduced Filo (who introduced Beck) on Friday night. As I said then... "We're literally hacking Yahoo... [crowd cheers] and now the man who is giving us the axe... Yahoo co-founder David Filo!" We couldn't do something like this without Filo's implicit support... (and since I don't work directly with David, "Filo" is a proxy for the "seniormost levels of Yahoo.) It's my boss Ash Patel that is really directly empowering us with the resource and permission to make these things happen. A special shout out to Jeff Weiner too - I wouldn't be at Yahoo but for his vision.
The only negative Chad and I have been able to conjure: "This is gonna be hard to top." Good problem to have IMHO. We've already got some ideas :-)