
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2008

Amy Goodman at Google tomorrow…

I just came to know (via a campus poster) that Amy Goodman is speaking at Google tomorrow via the Authors @ Google series. Noam Chomsky coming later in the month.

The group sponsoring this series is doing a fantastic job of bringing compelling, provocative speakers. What a perk!

And the talks are archived on YouTube for the world to enjoy.

This in addition to an unbelievable stream of internal technical talks that transpire on a daily basis. I'm way impressed.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Call me…

I'm playing around with Grand Central, and am really impressed with the power of this service. (Not to mention impressed with the team... What a talented bunch of folks!)

I've added a "Call me" tab to this blog... I'd love to hear from you. Give me a shout...
